Butterfly Revoldia CNF is an Off blade which represents a new technology with regards to blade construction. Unlike classic carbon fibers, ALC fibers, TAMCA fibers, or ZLC fibers, this new fiber brings a new standard with regards to blade design and performance. CNF stands for Cellulose Nanofiber.
Just like the technology behind the first high tension rubber Bryce, and the first high tension sponge with Spring Sponge, Butterfly has added a new type of technology to blade design. Having reached the apex of what materials they could add to wood to improve power, maintain lightness, as well as increasing feel, Butterfly went to it’s roots, literally. Cellulose Nanofiber is derived from wood pulp. This wood being broken down into smaller and smaller microns is the same technology that is used to create carbon blades. The benefit of this material being wood is it attacks like carbon, but has the feel of wood on soft and medium touch shots.
According to butterfly, what makes this blade stand out it’s ability to act like a carbon blade on attack shots, but the soft touch of wood on soft and medium efforts shots. Because the inter-woven wood pulp of the Cellulose Nanofiber increases how the wood functions at ball contact. The combination of 5 wood plies, and 2 nanofiber plies create low vibration and high reaction. This ensures that there is great feel as well as a high rebound when the ball is struck. Revoldia CNF – A Category Creator - Brian Pace
7 ply blade with 5 wood plies and 2 nanofiber Blade Thickness: 5.7mm Made in Japan
Blade Size: 157x150mm FL Handle Size: 100x24mm
Approximate Weight: 90g Reaction: 117 Vibration: 95
You can find something interesting in Butterfly’s description. They recommend rubbers for these costly blades and interestingly they recommend Tenergy line for this Revoldia. Contrary to this, they recommend Dignics line for the New Harimoto ZLC and super ZLC.
Price on Buttefly Website $369.99. It is going to be a costly blade for sure with a new technology. 😊 The blade is now available for purchase on butterfly websites and we will share a review if we can get a hold of this blade.
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