The eternal search of finding the best product never ends. For me, I believe I have found my favorite Table Tennis shoes in Asics. Asics Gel Contend 4B+ is my newest shoes and I am absolutely loving it 🤩. You may remember I have been using ASICS Gel Rocket 10 and also shared my review about Asics Gel Rocket shoes good for table tennis?. In this article, I will tell you why I really love these shoes.
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ASICS Gel-Contend series shoes are well-known as running shoes, their unique blend of comfort, performance, and style. But what’s so special about these shoes is that they are also great for table tennis players. In my view, almost all the Asics Gel-Contend are great shoes but I prefer ASICS Gel Contend 4B+. Let’s explore why these running shoes have gained popularity on the table tennis court.
The Asics Gel-Contend 4B+ has all the specification of lot what table tennis shoes like
And interesting the Contend 4B+ weight only 288 gms!! For me, I wanted to have a shoes with ASICS Gel Technology and all the features of regular butterfly shoes. I also used Asics Gel Rocket 10 but I feel those shoes are better to be used on wooden courts as they have non-marking footing with a heavier weight.
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ASICS Gel Contend series has a huge variety of color options.
As a table tennis player, I feel that the unexpected benefits of ASICS Gel-Contend running shoes on the court have been remarkable. The comfort and the stemming from their running shoe design, allows me to focus solely on my shot making without a lot of practice with these shoes. The stability of these shoes have significantly improved my agility and confidence during matches and practices. These shoes don’t feel heavy to me and I don’t feel any pain in my toes using these shoes. In my view, these are a very good shoes for me and a less costly shoes in this price range.
The cost of ASICS Gel Contend depends on the region. You can choose Asics Gel Contend 4B/4B+/5B/6/7 depending on your color and look preferences. The price is generally
You can use these shoes for walking, running, table tennis and even use this on your commute to playing table tennis. So no hassles of taking a second pair of shoes to play table tennis.
The ASICS Gel-Contend series offers features and experience for table tennis that can enhance your game, learning experience and bring out the best in your performance.
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